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This research aims to unveil the method of faith education for the chil and clarify it with everyone on his shoulders the responsibility of  raising the child on faith until it becomes clear to each of the parents a correct approach to be taken in raising their children on faith, this approach is drawn from the two books, they are thuhfatul maudud bi ahkamil maulud by imam allama the educator Ibn Qayyim Al- Jawzia, and the book tarbiyatul aulad fil islam by contemporary educator Sheikh Abdullah Nasih Alwan. The research focuses on devising  an integrated educational curriculum from the faith side, which was deduced from the prophetich curriculum based on the evidence of transmission from the Qur’an and Sunnah. Faith education begins with the child before he is born, upon his birth, and after his birth.


curriculum education faith child

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  13. akses Kamis, 15 November 2018 - 22:55 WIB.