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Zakat as the third pillar of Islam became one of the fundamental things in the teaching of islam. In an effort to overcome the socio-economic disparity of the Islamic community, it is hoped that efforts will be made to empower muzakki, because besides them are parties who are subject to the obligation of zakat, they are also one of the important components in an effort to realize the ideals of making zakat as the economic pillars of the ummah. This research aims to know optimization of zakat through muzakki empowerment. The research method used is literature method by using some literature related to zakat in the form of book, research journal as well as sourced directly from nash al-Quran and al-Hadits. The result of this research show that the muzakki empowerment program is carried out by providing assistance through giving them a sense of comfort and comfort in channeling their wealth, then given intense guidance to maintain the consistency of the muzakki so that they always actively participate in it and make them role models or agents of change for mustahiq so that they are motivated to follow their steps as well as a measure of the continuity of the optimization of the role of zakat.


Optimization Zakat Empowerment, Muzakki.

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  18., diakses pada Kamis, 16 April 2020 pukul 10.00 WIB
  19., diakses Rabu, 20 Maret 2019 pukul 09.30 WITA.
  20., diakses Kamis 21 Maret 2019 pukul 13.00 WITA.