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The researcher has found many Indonesian words that are derived from the Arabic language in the Aceh-Indonesian dictionary. Therefore, the researcher sees the possibility of teaching Arabic to the Indonesian beginners with these words. Using the analytical descriptive method the researcher finds and gathers these Indonesian words that are derived from the Arabic language from the Aceh-Indonesian dictionary from the word “Ka,bah” to the word “Nujum”, then describes these words according to their changes in meaning after entering the Indonesian language, then uses these words to create a suggested curriculum used for teaching Arabic.  The researcher reached a result: that there are 152  words that are derived from the Arabic language from the the Aceh-Indonesian dictionary from the word “Ka,bah” to the word “Nujum”. And these words are divided into parts based on their changes in meaning, those that have unchanged meanings, those which have a wider meaning, those which have narrowed meanings, and those which have changed meanings. Also there is the possibility of creating a curriculum in teaching Arabic from these words by putting these words in conversations and Arabic literature. Then it’s the teachers turn to explain the vocabularies.


Curriculum Teaching Arabic Language Indonesian Words

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